The Information Scale

AccurateCurrentApplicabilityUnique/ValueTimeliness Information works on a lot of different scales and really does need to be weighted differently. Unfortunately, there isn’t a universal guideline for rating information. All information is seen through some lens of bias (not to be confused with Len Bias). Information in a business context is supposed to Read more…

The Problem of Assymetry

Assymetry is almost as beautiful as symmetry… Concurrency is also beautiful. And then there is the hybrid. As a rule, hybrid sounds better in theory than it ends up being in reality Sometimes, time is your friend and sometimes it is your enemy as you race against a clock. The Read more…

File this under…

Confused… Convoluted… Who knows what In our cloud-based world, the whereabouts of files can still be a mystery…. Maybe you can keep stuff straight if you are working on your own, but as soon as you have multiple accounts on multiple computers with multiple devices and lots of people to Read more…

Diversity Lost

Information technology is really not very good with diversity. It demands a certain conformity in order to work. Everything has to line up in figurative and literal columns and rows. Everything has to fit in the way it is intended. The content can be relatively diverse as long as it Read more…

Stop Making Sense

The problem with IT is that it is built around logic. Logic can be goodLogic is rational But logic can be very limiting. It is often built on assumptions. The assumptions can be very good. The assumption can help you run your organization in an organized way. This is great Read more…

Twisted Speech

“Teach the twisted speech to the young believers.” But which believers and what do they believe? We all have our twisted speech and jargon, and sometimes even we believe it. This is a question that goes way beyond tech, but it certainly rings true in tech circles as well. The Read more…