Life is a series of information events. The events on their own need not be big, but small data makes big data. Not that big data isĀ  something to get all that excited about, but information builds on prior information.

Most information events happen with little awareness. And being more aware doesn’t necessarily mean that the outcome would have been better. The information that stands out is the anomaly. The thing that warns us when something is not right. Sometimes, we can sense something is not right, but other times it is a combination of feelings that put us on alert.

In groups, the dynamic is different. Not everyone is sensing the same information event at the same time and in the same way.

The interpretation of the information event is different, the ideas of how to react to the information will be very different. Everyone sees things a bit differently and everyone brings different experiences to the situation. It is clear that some people bring more experience while others bring other assete.

The data can be formal or it can be informal, but some bit of information is behind every action. All living things take action based on signals. The signals can be loud and clear or they could be barely perceptible, but some bit of information spurs some action.

We often jump in less prepared than we would like. There are always information gaps. Things we know, things we should have known, things we wish we could know and finally things we don’t know that we don’t know. There is always more information and there is never enough information to make a decision.

At any given point when a decision is made, it is made with some percentage of missing information. The percentage doesn’t really matter. Something tips the balance toward one course of action or another.

Grouping information events together, especially those that fit what we think we already know, is the guiding force behind many individual and collaborative actions.

It is powerful and convincing but is not always accurate.dxwdewacdadrty